Dec 08
Mid-year Senior Thesis Presentations
Visual studies seniors present their thesis projects mid-year before fellow students, faculty and project advisors.
Nov 18
Lunchtime seminar with Dexter Sinister: Welcome to tomorrow, today.*
J.G. Ballard once said: "Science fiction might be the best sort of realism. Maybe the only possible one." This is exactly the sort of insight that a writer of speculative stories can offer.
Nov 17
Visual Studies Lecture Series 2015-2016: I'll Be Your Interface*
Dexter Sinister
Nov 07
Homecoming Alumni Reception
Current students and alumni are invited to mix with special invited alumni in a meet and greet, networking event during Homecoming.
Oct 22
Course and Major Fair
The Course and Majors Fair provides an opportunity for students to explore majors. Visual Studies will have a table present to answer questions and discuss the major.
Oct 20
Architecture/Fine Arts/Visual Studies Major Dinner
A major dinner for Freshmen and Sophomores where you can talk to representatives and students from the three related majors of Architecture, Fine Arts and Visual Studies.
Sep 18
Sorting Brains Out: Tasks, Tests, and Trials in the Neuro- and Mind Sciences, 1890-2015
A conference sponsored by the Department of the History and Sociology of Science.
Sep 09
Penn Art & Culture Freshman Welcome Reception
For the third consecutive year, Platt Student Performing Arts House and Penn Art & Culture will be hosting the Penn Art & Culture Freshman Welcome Reception. The goal of this event is to i
Sep 04
Michael Leja - "Almanacs and the Image Campaign of 1840"
History of Art Colloquium
[image: The Tippecanoe Almanac for the Year 1841 (Philadelphia, 1840)
Aug 28
Welcome Back Meeting
Visual Studies students and faculty are invited to meet together to discuss courses and events in the upcoming year. 3:00-4:30pm, Room 113, Jaffe Building