Sarah W. Murdoch
“The force of memory never ceases. Memory affords mankind’s (my) connection to the world. To address memory is to immediately enter into a dire dialectical situation centered around the discrepancy between what really occurred and what I believe has occurred. Everything I experience becomes entangled in the process of memory. The force of memory is relentless.”
Jeremey Beaudry: Pictopolis
A lot of my work has been about connecting my past to reality, about connecting people who are no longer with me to me, and in this sense it has been about memory. It is my struggle to hold onto and remember my past. In this body of work there is an attempt to tell a story, a creation of movement through time, through space, because a memory for a specific event is usually an accumulation of multiple memories through time.
SECTOR C: Art Practice & Technology
ADVISERS: Joan Curran | Michael Kahana