Spaces for Growth
Intimate partner violence, more commonly known as domestic violence, constitutes a global public health and human rights problem that causes physical, sexual, and psychological harm to women. IPV deeply impacts how victims think, which then impacts how they act, which in turn impacts how they think -- the cycle goes on and on. Understanding this is crucial because the interaction between victim’s thoughts and behaviors can directly correlate to their subjective well-being, which may have an impact on the successful termination of the abuse. In this thesis, graphic design merges with positive psychology to create public art which engages specifically with the mental and emotional state of women who have been subjected to intimate partner violence, in the hopes of boosting their self-esteem, giving them access to resources which might restore their well-being, and adding to current efforts devoted to the reduction of intimate partner violence.
Scott Barry Kaufman (PSYC)
David Comberg (FNAR)