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Melis Inceer

Melis Inceer


This project presents an analytical look at the opening credit sequences of moviews. It aims first to identify some of the major companies and people in this field, while marking the turning points for opening credits throughout five different time periods (1. Pre-credit Era; 2. 1920s; 3. 1930s-mid 1950s; 4. 1955-1970s; 5. 1980-Present). Second, it categorizes opening credits sylistically and associates these classifications with certain time periods. Third, it raises the question of what makes successful credits, pointing out the ambiguity that stems from having different purposes for using a certain type of opening credit sequence in relation to various genre conventions. The project also includes analysis of a selection of contemporary movies through their credit sequences, to demonstrate the extent of different uses for credits, and to support the assertion that opening title sequences are becoming works of art that can stand on their own, and are beginning to play a crucial role in the success of movies.