Jennifer Hartley Gothelf
After ten years of developing my craft as an amateur scrapbook artist, I decided to investigate the history of collage and assemblage and their importance to the craft of scrapbooking. In an attempt to do this, I created visual diaries of my innermost thoughts and feelings as they arose, rendering them into pictorial representations. Through this process, I examined the deeper significance of physically depicting thoughts and allowing them to be displayed for anyone from my close friends and family to complete strangers to see. My research and project further addresses questions that artists have struggled with for the past century. What subconscious emotions creep silently into the final work? How does it feel to put your emotions on display for anyone to see? How does it feel to capture your emotions and put them away, behind glass? How can I create art that deals with my darkest fears and memories that I will have to look at everyday?
SECTOR B: Art & Culture of Seeing
ADVISERS: Julie Davis | Terry Adkins