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Jeffrey Jorge

Jeffrey Jorge


Those who are creative are respected in cultures around the world, but why? Anything that is new and different seems to automatically carry with it social importance regardless of the domain (i.e. painting, music, science, etc.). As human beings we have gone from living in caves and hunting with clubs to reliance on very complex social systems such as economics. This kind of transformation would not have been possible without creativity. Even the first step to sharpen a stick or stone to make hunting easier was a creative development. Every new discovery demonstrates someone’s desire to take what is known and elaborate on it. When Pollock discovered action painting that wasn’t the end stage of painting, but it was a novel idea that inspired many other artists to try new things and experiment. Action painting became a domain-relevant skill which artists like Allan Kaprow used to develop the “happenings” form of art. This is just one example of how one creative innovation can lead to another. With all new discoveries come new questions, interesting facts, and problems to be solved.

SECTOR C: Art Practice & Technology
ADVISERS: Joan Curran | Morgan Wallhagen