Hammam Aldouri
PhD, Center for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University, London
Hammam Aldouri holds a PhD in philosophy from the Center for Research in Modern European Philosophy, Kingston University (London) and he was a recipient of a Helena Rubinstein Fellowship in Critical Studies from the Whitney Museum of American Art Independent Study Program (New York). Hammam specializes in Continental philosophy and critical theory of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, especially the philosophy of G.W.F. Hegel and his legacies. His work explores theoretical problems across the practices of philosophy, political theory, and art/art history within the work of major nineteenth century thinkers and artists such as Hegel, Karl Marx, Charles Baudelaire, Richard Wagner, Charles Baudelaire, and Edouard Manet. In addition to these interests, Hammam is working on the concept of critique in contemporary academia and the possibility of critical reading under the conditions of the real subsumption of academic labor by capital. His writing has appeared in Nineteenth-Century French Studies, Telos, Third Text, Journal of Art Historiography, Hegel Bulletin, Radical Philosophy, Cosmos and History, and Oxford Art Journal.