Visual Studies seniors present their final projects amidst their exhibition in the Fox Gallery, Cohen Hall.
1:00Dyana Wing So, Art About Elsewhere: On the Cultural Politics of Representing Israel & Palestine
Advisors: Tim Corrigan (CINE), Nancy Davenport (FNAR) and Aaron Levy (ENGL)
1:30Britt Gates-Kayyem, Memory as Personality: A Psychological and Artistic Approach to Understanding the Self
Advisors: Perky Edgerton (FNAR) and Ian Verstegen (VLST)
2:00Natalia Revelo La Rotta, Architecture and Power: A Relationship that Shapes the Public
Advisors: Andrew Dahlgren (ARCH) and Matt Neff (FNAR)
2:30Amelia Storck, The Candidate Brand
Advisors: David Comberg (FNAR) and Marc Meredith (PSCI)
***3:00-3:15 break***
3:15Alyssa Marcus, Branding as Power: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Advisors: Carin Berkowitz (VLST) and Christin Scholz (COMM)
3:45Camila Zager, Engagint the Liminal Realm: An Investigation of Transformation through Mindfulness and Playfulness at Burning Man
Advisors: Carin Berkowitz (VLST), Jenn Cobuzzi (PSYC), and Jackie Tileston (FNAR)
4:15Taylor Campbell, Lolita: A Cultural Image
Advisors: Lindsay Fiorelli (PHIL) and Sharka Hyland (FNAR)
4:45Vincent Snagg, Indexical Design: Abstraction and Representation in Sensory Applications
Advisors: Sharka Hyland (FNAR) and Orkan Telhan (FNAR)
***5:15-5:30 break***
5:30Carolina English, The Qualia of Limitation
Advisors: Lisa Miracchi (PHIL) and Orkan Telhan (FNAR)
6:00Emily Lipson, Human Connectivity through Performance: A Response to Posthumanism
Advisors: Jamie Diamond (FNAR) and Gabriel Martinez (FNAR)
6:30Margot Halpern, Power and Visibility in Hip Hop Visuals and Renaissance Portraits
Advisors: David Young Kim (ARTH) and Ian Verstegen (VLST)